Congratulations to the 2017 Chilcotin Tour Champions
Bareback: Keifer Larson, Hazelton
Saddle Bronc: Dave Enderud, Bella Coola
Bull Riding: Ty Hamill, Kamloops
Tie Down Roping: Jason Beier, Vanderhoof
Steer Wrestling: Wade McNolty, 150 Mile House
Breakaway Roping: Allison Everett, 150 Mile House
Ladies Barrels: Judy Hyde, Prince George
Open Team Roping: Jason Beier, Vanderhoof & Carl Hyde, Prince George
#8 Team Roping: Clint Cripps, Quesnel & Bud Lawlor, Quesnel
Ladies Goat Tying: Alyson Schuk, Tatla Lake
Junior Barrel Racing: Brianna Billy, Williams Lake
Junior Breakaway Roping: Sydney Schuk, Tatla Lake
Junior Steer Riding – Michael Gulbransen, Williams Lake
Junior Goat Tying – Brianna Billy, Williams Lake
Junior Pole Bending: Sydney Schuk, Tatla Lake
Pee Wee Barrels: Kaitlyn Lulua, 150 Mile House
Pee Wee Pole Bending: Kira Stowell, Williams Lake
Pee Wee Goat Tail Tying: Kira Stowell, Williams Lake